Exclusive Features
Economical, Durable Platen
The Cutting Platen* is made for quick removal and replacement (changes can be made in a matter of seconds). Its unique features are responsible for the long life of the Rotary Knife. With normal usage, the platen will last months without replacement. It can be laterally adjusted to provide new cutting surfaces. Its low cost makes it an expendable item.
Cutting Operation
A built-in Rotary Depth Gauge* limits the cutting penetration and extends both knife and Cutting Platen life.
Cut Core Support
An Extension Support Disc* for supporting core overhang during and after the cutting operation is furnished at no extra cost.
Custom Color Choice
Machines can be painted to customer’s specifications.
Other Features
Accurate Repetitive Cutting
Repetitive cuts can be held to close tolerance through the use of a Measuring Bar with a built-in scale and adjustable core length stop-assembly.
Quality Knives
The high quality steel Rotary Cutting Knife will cut continuously in day-to-day production for months without change. This long life combined with the knife’s low cost make it an expendable item.
Ease of Use
The cutter handle design reduces cutting effort and operator fatigue. A support Roller is furnished underneath the Cutting Platen to support the core and prevent excessive deflection.
Machine Specs
Core length over mandrel is 54". Will cut core walls as thick as ½". Comes complete with ½ H.P., 60 cycle, 115/230 volt, single phase 1140 rpm motor.